Join HL Joe Kiczek (C) 484-639-8824,, for this backpacking trip of 4 days and 3 nights. We’ll hike AT Sections 29 to 31 in Central Virginia for a total of 44 miles.
Trip begins at Rt.311 Catawba and ends at Va-632 Johns Creek.
Day 1 will be 12.5 miles from Catawba to Pickle Branch Shelter, Day 2 will be 10 miles to the Niday Shelter, Day 3 will be 10 miles to the Carver Hollow Shelter, Day 4 will be 11.5 miles to Va.-632 Johns Creek.
For more information, contact HL Joe Kiczek at 484-639-8824 or
Deadline: May 11, 2024, to express interest in this trip.